
Getting the Most Out of Your Copier

Posted on Nov 14 2018.
team in an office working around a laptop

Choosing the best copiers for your business isn't all that complicated, but only when you're armed with some good information. The right copiers can make a positive impact on your workflows, but it's also true that leasing or purchasing one that's a bad match could have the opposite effect.

Here are a few pointers to help you make the right choice for your workgroup's requirements.

Document Management and Disaster Relief: Protecting Your Documents

Posted on Nov 9 2018.
protect document

Though we wish we could control all of the elements around us, unpredictable events occur all the time. Fires are one of those unforeseen events that cause chaos in our personal and business lives when they strike. In the business world, fires put our documents at incredible risk, as an office fire could cause a company to lose all their information.

The Risks of Printing Confidential Documents

Posted on Oct 28 2018.

Printing issues can have a significant impact on your company's workflows. One of the more frustrating and potentially severe problems has to do with how employees print and retrieve documents.

Read on to find out how your workflows and managed print can work together to improve document security and lower costs.

Facing the Risks

If your company hasn't developed a policy for printing confidential documents, here's what could happen.

All About Document Management Systems

Posted on Oct 24 2018.
document management

Relying on paper in today’s digital world isn’t sustainable anymore. Learning about document management systems and how they benefit your business is a proactive move. Here’s what you need to know.

3 Organizational Tips for Office Productivity

Posted on Oct 17 2018.
productive team

 Let's talk about office organization: do you dream of a day when your workplace is in order? Do you imagine big, sweeping efforts you could make that would set everything right in your office? Do you struggle with annoying disorganization but can't find the time to fix it?

Organizing your office for better productivity can seem daunting, but the reality is that it's just a few simple steps to a more streamlined workplace. Follow along here!

Measuring and Improving Employee Productivity

Posted on Jan 9 2018.
A histogram, line chart, and pie chart

Here are a few ways to measure and boost productivity in your office. 

• Measure output, not time. Some businesses are so focused on making sure employees punch in and out at the time clock that they forget to keep track of the things that really matter—like projects completed each month, new customer sales, or the success of recent campaigns. 

• Encourage accountability. Have everyone write their goals on a shared document, collective whiteboard, or company Facebook page. Employees will be motivated to work harder when they see others succeed at a faster pace. 

Is Your Reputation at Risk? Protect Your Business and Your Brand

Posted on Jan 9 2018.
Business woman clicking virtual buttons

Reputation risk is how negative publicity can potentially harm your business. Here are a few ways you can protect your brand's reputation and your business. 

Know what’s already out there. Take inventory of the information that’s already been published about your business, your executives, your products, your services, etc. The more you know about what others have already said, the more prepared you’ll be to respond to future critics. 

Surprising Benefits of Document Shredding

Posted on Jan 9 2018.
A heap of shredded paper

Shred to avoid penalties. Your business could be subject to financial penalties if you don’t take the proper measures to protect the personal information of your employees, clients, and vendors. Shredding (especially cross-cut shredding) is the gold standard for the disposal of paper documents to prevent fines.

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