
4 Benefits of Document Management

Posted on May 22 2019.
document management

The digital office is one of the top transitions of today's work world. Going paperless is not only cheaper, but it's more convenient, saves time, and improves communication with clients.

If your office is still spending money on hard copy supplies, waiting for contracts to be returned, or struggling with security, document management might be the answer.

What is Document Management?

Document management is a service that has two main features:

Office Tech Maintenance for Anyone

Posted on May 16 2019.
tech maintenance

Maintenance and repairs can either cost a lot or take tons of time. But why? It doesn't really make sense when machines are simple and troubleshooting is straightforward (and often available on the internet).

Take a chunk out of your equipment and repairs budget by learning how to do the basics - follow a few tips below for simple solutions and quick fixes so you don't have to call the service team.

Make it Easier

Here are tips for better troubleshooting:

Advantages of Document Management

Posted on Apr 17 2019.
document management

Many businesses that use paper documents think they are handling their document management - until something goes wrong. But when the documents are all on paper, serious problems can come up. Documents today are far safer and can be accessed more quickly when they are digitized and managed digitally.

Why You Should Buy Copiers from an Independent Dealer

Posted on Apr 10 2019.

The choice of where to buy an office copier can be a difficult one. Many wonder whether it's better to buy one from its manufacturer or from a local, independent copier dealer. Find out why getting your next copier from an independent dealer is the smarter choice.

2 Big Benefits of Choosing Managed Services

Posted on Apr 5 2019.
person working with server

Today, it's easier than ever to keep vital business data on-site while saving everything online. Cloud computing is standard these days, and storage drive prices are getting so cheap that there's no reason not to have a backup copy on-site.

Here are a few ways that a managed services team can help your business operate more efficiently, with less demand, and with flexible options that could save your company in an emergency.

Money-Saving Workflow Solutions for Law Firms

Posted on Mar 29 2019.

Every company's favorite words are "money-saving." This is especially true for law firms, who have a lot to juggle every day--especially when it comes to creating, printing, distributing, storing, and securing documents. Today we'll look at some workflow solutions that can reduce overspending and boost security, efficiency, and productivity at the same time.

Document Management: Do You Need a Print Assessment?

Posted on Mar 22 2019.
document management

By now, you've probably heard a thing or two about document management and the ever-popular print assessment. However, no matter how much research you do, it's not always easy to find out whether you actually need a print assessment. That's why we're here to help you find out!

Improve Color Quality without Upgrading Copiers & Printers

Posted on Mar 15 2019.
color calibration

Color is pretty important when it comes to making creative, eye-catching prints and copies. However, many companies feel that it's just too expensive to use color if they have to upgrade to newer machines to get the quality they want. The good news is that this is a myth--you can improve color quality on your existing copiers and printers with these simple tips!

How to Own the New Year with Managed Services

Posted on Mar 6 2019.
managed services

We're still at the beginning of the new year, which means there's plenty of time to make some big, powerful changes in your business. Why not start with your tech? Choosing new solutions and making different decisions in your IT environment can improve everything from efficiency to customer service--and with a little help from managed services, it's easier than ever.

Saving Lives: Document Management in the Healthcare Industry

Posted on Feb 19 2019.
provider using tablet

The healthcare industry is essentially in the business of saving lives. With a huge responsibility like that, healthcare companies of all shapes and sizes need powerful organizational tools to rely on--and that's where document management comes in. Let's take a look at how document management helps save lives every day!

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